Monday, 13 October 2008
Monday, 12 May 2008
Debut “We Are Interviewing The Experts” ~ SCUBA ~
Announcing The Debut of
"We Are Interviewing The Experts"
Tele-Conferencing Calls!
Right out the gate we will start with a good friend of mine and a SCUBA and Free Diving Expert Tom Zimmerman. We want to invite everyone who has an interest in Sport Diving and/or who know Tom and want to hear what he has to say.
Tom is not the Ordinary Garden Variety of Orthodox Diver and we would not recommend anyone to take up diving the way he was introduced to the sport.
Another thing we will touch on is a terminal disease called "Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis" and how it affected Tom's Diving.
Here is the Telephone Number:
1. Dial-In to the Conference Number 1-712-432-3000
2. Enter this Conference Bridge Number: 889832
Join us five minutes early, so we can say hi to you!
Looking forward to hearing you on the call.
Later, Bil
PS Be sure to leave a comment here! Thanks!!!
Friday, 2 May 2008
Seven Sentence Marketing Plan ~ Jay Conrad Levinson
Limited Time Offer To All You Who Care:
GET “The Guerrilla Balance Sheet” and I will give you the audio down load of The Exclusive Interview of Jay Conrad Levinson With Mr. Paulie Sabol and Dr. Ben Mack as the ‘Seven Sentence Market Plan’ is explained in Detail! This is the same plan that big companies like Proctor & Gamble use to present their products every time.
Jay is paid at least $3,500.00 an hour for his presentations and trainings and this live interview sold last week, as a special on the Internet for $35.00 to those on a few special lists.
You need 'TGBS' to put your business on the map! Now only $10.00
Send me a copy of your receipt and I will send you the down load instructions.
Over one hour of the ‘Master Guerrilla Marketing Genius’ himself explaining this strategical phenomenon in his own words!
Limited Time Offer:
Get 'TGBS' Here.
Send copy of receipt to probilling1 at gmail dot com for your download.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Gratitude! ~ Do I care? ~ I Do Here!
This is one!
How about You?
I am so thankful for the men & women who Serve our Country!
I try to shake every hand, as I come face to face with them. Maybe not convenient or in the right situation, at least give them The Sign!
Tell Scott Truitt Thanks for putting it together:
Scott writes below:
The Gratitude Campaign
The Story of How it all got started
For the past several years as I've been traveling around the country, I've been approaching soldiers in the airports and thanking them for serving for us. On several occasions I have noticed that it felt a little awkward for both of us. There are several reasons, some of which I am even just now learning as I produce this film and talk to more soldiers. But they have always appreciated being thanked, and I have always felt better having expressed my gratitude.
I started to think that it would be nice if civilians had a gesture or sign that they could use to say "thank you" quickly and easily without even having to approach. I did some research and found the sign that we are now using.
Is this limited to the military? Not at all. If you look around you I'm sure that you'll find lots of people who are serving their communities, from local to global. If you appreciate their service, give them a sign. Say "thank you."
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Saturday, 12 April 2008
"YOU Might care!"
Now For The Question!
Do You Care and what are you going to do about it?
Now ask me - What Do I Care?
Friday, 11 April 2008
Been Awhile!
Regardless, I am Back!
Do I Care If You Go? Well ... Yea. Go take a look!
You will be glad you did!
What is a 'TGIBS' anyhooo?
Thursday, 27 March 2008
I know it will take a couple moments, ~ BUT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It will really help me out!
Hi all you "Never Minders"!
A quick note on what is going on!
You know we are in the middle of developing Internet based help and assistance to all who have an interest.
With all that is going on we are now in the process of developing a new product and are inviting you to be a part of how it will be an interest to you.
We will be interviewing Experts every month on a teleconference call and you may be a part of it as they happen and/or listen at a later date.
In order to get it going, we are taking a short survey of seven questions, multiple choice and entering a name or type of your choosing.
This is a test survey and your responses will help determine how the Final survey will be executed. Please take a couple moments and be a part of something happening.
Click Here to take survey
AND Thanking you in advance, bil
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Book review: 'Pagan Christianity?'
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
$7 … Just Seven Dollars And Make Your First Dollar OnLine!
Have you made your first dollar OnLine yet?
If you have not, The next question is DO YOU WANT TO?
$7.00 and you get someone to click like here below!
You are one click away from changing your
life for the better…
OK! What Do I Care?
P.S. You Have To See It To Believe It!…
See exactly what I mean HERE:
Sunday, 9 March 2008
You Haven't Made Your First Dollar OnLine Yet? ~ How Come?
All I have to do is to harasses you a little and maybe you can get off your duff and get something going.
This is a no brainer! What is better than free? It is making money from it!
Now if you cannot see that, then see What Do I Care?
ATTENTION! Do Not Read Any Further!
This is for those that can see, Yet What Do I Care! (If you are paying attention, You know that that is the name of this Blog!)
Now that you are on a roll and paying attention:
Almost every information marketer makes one or more of the same 7 mistakes.
Monday you will learn to avoid the most common traps even the brightest info-marketers face...
20 years ago Ben Mack made his first information product and a tiny little mistake cost him THOUSANDS of DOLLARS!
On the live training Ben will say what he did that made him do all the work while letting somebody else make all the money
Paulie made his first product 15 years ago and in it he easily made the other 6 mistakes...
Because of these mistakes, he went off in another direction delaying his calling for 10 years.
Learn the 7 costly mistakes most of us make and how to avoid them...
When you attend this live call Monday evening March 10th, you will get a copy of Paulie's and Ben's first products as a bonus.
DP AKA Bil aka 1
PS Get Easy Solutions and avoid costly mistakes=> CLICK HERE:
B U T ! What Do I Care?
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Your First Dollar OnLine!
(You have to break the mold! )
If you haven't, you will want to pay very
close attention to what I am about to share
with you.
There is a brand new course that is so
revolutionary - proven, and equally powerful...
That the marketing minds behind it GUARANTEE
you will make your first dollar online within 30 days!
In fact, they not only make THAT guarantee,
they've also got two additional risk free
guarantees that will insure a massive return on
your investment.
You can see exactly what I mean here:
You are one click away from changing your
life for the better...
Be Blessed
DP, aka 1
P.S. You can even go more than half-way through
the training and STILL get a refund if you aren't
convinced... See exactly what I mean HERE:
Friday, 29 February 2008
NAFTA Goes ~ ~ So Does Our Canadian Oil Supply!
Can you Believe that politicians (What Ever Happened To Statesmen?) are promising to open NAFTA to satisfy the Unions. Canadian Oil say they would like that so they could sell their oil to China, (Or Where Ever!) for higher prices than they NOW HAVE TO, to the good ol' USA! Besides ... how would they bring in The United Countries Of North America if they trash NAFTA? Get to the poles America! You deserve brilliant leaders like these!
Right Here!
B U T ! What Do I Care?
Thursday, 28 February 2008
FeBeNe ~ ~ What Is Better Than Free? ~ ~ He Only Works 3 Days A Week!
if For the past 37 years, Jay Conrad Levinson has only worked 3 days a week and most of those days, short ones.
Even so, he’s managed to create the best selling marketing book series of all time (with about 17-million copies sold), train and coach other top marketers, and do a... ...WebCast ... ... HERE ... (RePlay) ...
Don't know Who he is? Google him here!
You are invited to the WebCast (RePlay) at:
FeBeNe Dot Com
If you do not Check This Out, What Do I Care?
Monday, 18 February 2008
How Does It Look Now?
Nevertheless, What DO I Care?
I will probably change the looks next week anyhow!!
Have A Great Day, whether you want to or not!
Bye Don't Cry, Bil
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
I have gave a lot of thought to this!
It is not just a case of 'What Do I Care?' it also, is a case of 'Why Am I Doing This?'
Now that I have all those 'Creative Juices' flowing it is time, In Fact Just inTime to put this to bed again! I will be back next time to probe your Intellectual Prowess!
Do Not Cry! BYE!
Monday, 4 February 2008
Well? Where Are You?
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